Using the keypad

Using the keypad

On your apartment door frame you will find a keypad, which looks like the one on the image on this page. Enter your code and press the unlock button. The shared entrance door, and the apartment door will unlock.


Press buttons firmly. The keypad gives a green light feedback for each press and for a successful unlock. If it flashes red, the code was entered incorrectly. Try again with the correct code. You can close all the doors manually from the inside.

Caution: The doors do not close automatically.

When leaving the apartment, enter the code and press the lock button. Both doors should then get locked. Close the doors tight, so the locks can do their job.

Note: If the door downstairs is open and the door upstairs is closed, unlocking it with the code won’t work. In this case, use the keypad to close the door downstairs and then to open both doors. We are working on a better solution for this.

Check this video to see how the keypad works (the video is not ours):